Our Mission is to provide administrative support for the emergency response notification system (911) that is available to those in need of emergency services within Greene County.
The Greene County Commission established the Greene County E9-1-1 Telephone Advisory Board in 1992. The
Board is comprised of nine (9) members, appointed by the Greene County Commission, to serve for three
(3) year terms.
The 911 Advisory Board meets every second Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. on 2nd floor conference
room of . The meetings are posted on both the City
of Springfield and Greene County's websites, in addition to being posted on various bulletin boards in
the government complex. Upon recommendation of the 911 Advisory Board the Greene County Sheriff's Office
Emergency Communications and Springfield Emergency Communications centralized into one location
effective July 14, 2002.
Effective October 6, 2013, upon recommendation of the 911 Advisory Board, the City of Republic
Communications Department consolidated with the Springfield-Greene County 911 Emergency Communications
Department resulting in all 911 calls for Greene County being answered in one location.
Special and Functional Needs Form
Functional Needs Important Information and Instructions
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Meetings held 3:00 pm third Wednesday each month
Sheriff Arnott was first elected Sheriff of Greene County in November, 2008 and then re-elected to a second term in 2012 and a third term in 2016. During Sheriff Arnott's 20 plus year career at the Greene County Sheriff's Office, prior to serving as Sheriff, he served in the capacity of Reserve Deputy, Patrol Deputy, Detective, Detective Sergeant, Detective Lieutenant, CID Captain and Chief Deputy. Sheriff Arnott is also holds a BS in Criminal Justice from Columbia Southern University and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.
As a member of the Greene County Sheriff's Office, Sheriff Arnott has accumulated a long list of specialized education and training in law enforcement, investigations, weapons and tactics. Sheriff Arnott is an instructor at the Drury Law Enforcement Academy.
Sheriff Arnott's responsibilities include but are not limited to the patrol of Greene County's unincorporated areas, the patrol of County roads and highways, inmate housing, serving of civil process, investigation of crimes and courtroom security.
Unlike the municipal law enforcement agencies, the Sheriff has jurisdiction in all areas of the county including the cities within Greene County.
The Greene County Sheriff's Office has an operating budget of over 43 million dollars and employs 621 full-time personnel with 46 Reserves and over 200 Citizen Volunteers.The jail houses an average daily inmate population of over 900. The Sheriff’s Office oversees protection of 670 square miles.
Sheriff Arnott's accomplishments during his tenure include but are not limited to: