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Bob DixonBob Dixon Presiding Commissioner (417) 868-4112 (417) 868-4818 [email protected]

Bob Dixon was elected Presiding Commissioner of Greene County in 2018 and 2022. He first entered public service in 2002 when the people of District 140 chose him to represent them in the Missouri House of Representatives. Voters returned him to the House in 2004, 2006 and 2008, and twice his colleagues elected him to leadership as Majority Caucus Chair. He was also appointed both Caucus Chaplain and Chair of the Transportation Committee.

In 2010, Dixon was elected to represent the people of Springfield in the Missouri Senate. He was appointed Chair of the Judiciary Committee, serving as the first non-attorney in that post since the 1830s and only the third in state history. Under his leadership, Missouri’s Criminal Code was completely revised for the first time in 35 years. He also led the effort to re-circuit Missouri’s Court System for the first time since the 1950s and update the laws governing the State Auditor for the first time since 1929.

He currently serves as a board member of the County Commissioners Association of Missouri and is the Legislative Liaison for the Southwest District. He is a board member of the Missouri Association of Counties and has been elected by his peers annually since 2020 to represent all Missouri counties on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties where he also serves on the Finance, Pensions and Intergovernmental Affairs Steering Committee.


He has been active on numerous local boards and non-profit steering committees, including the Salvation Army Advisory Board, the Ozarks Transportation Organization as past Chair, and the Ozark Headwaters Recycling & Materials Management District, a partnership with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.  While Commissioner, he serves as permanent chair of the seven-county Council of Local Elected Officials which oversees the contracting, operations and compliance of the Ozark Region Workforce Development Board and the Missouri Job Center.


Dixon earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Drury University in 1997 graduating magna cum laude with departmental distinction. He later returned to Drury, earning a Master of Education, Human Services degree in 2009.

He is a licensed Realtor with and has periodically served as an adjunct instructor in Drury University’s Leadership Studies Program. His career in the private sector includes more than 20 years in banking and financial services. Bob and his wife Amanda live in Springfield, are active in a local church and have three daughters and two granddaughters.

He seeks to use his current roles, his experience in the State House and Senate, and his ongoing work in the private sector to better the lives of the citizens of Greene County. He welcomes and appreciates the partnership, advice, and direction of fellow citizens to make that a reality.