Greene County Logo Greene County Commission
Rusty MacLachlan
Commissioner 1st District
Bob Dixon
Presiding Commissioner
John C Russell
Commissioner 2nd District

Greene County
Domestic Violence Board


The Greene County Domestic Violence Board shall administer funding as set forth in H.B. 1069 Section 4-5-6-7-8 and other functions addressed in this document for the purpose of prevention of domestic violence and to provide assistance to victims of domestic violence.

Board of Directors

Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.

The Board shall be composed of eleven members appointed by the Greene County Commission.

Organization – Board Members and Officers

Board members are in a position of trust to carry out the mission of the Board. Board members will consist of volunteers who are personally committed to the mission of the Board and have an understanding of the community served.

Board members will be appointment by the Greene County Commission and will serve a three year term. No Board member shall serve more than two terms. A Board member will serve until their successor has been appointed.

The officers of the Board shall consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. The Chairperson will preside over all meetings. The Vice Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. The Secretary will be responsible for preparing minutes of all meetings and will serve as Chairperson in the event the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are absent.

The officers will be elected annually at the January board meeting and will serve a one year term. No officer will serve more than two years in any office. If an officer resigns or becomes incapacitated the Board will elect an officer to serve for the unexpired term. If an officer serves six months or more, that officer shall be considered to have served a full term.

All Board members will have a vote in Board decision making.


The Board will meet quarterly at the Commission office on the first Monday of the months of January, April, June and September at 5:00 p.m. If a meeting day falls on a holiday, the Board will meet on the following day. By a unanimous vote of the Board, the day of week and time may be changed to be conducive to the work of the Board and convenience to Board members.

The Board meetings will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Attendance of Board Meetings

Because of the significance of the mission of the Domestic Violence Board, Board members are required to attend a minimum of three meetings per calendar year and must not be absent for two consecutive meetings.


A quorum will consist of five (5) Board members.


The Board will serve without salary or stipend as volunteers of the County Commission.

Duties of the Board

The duties of the Greene County Domestic Violence Board are as follows.

  1. Make a recommendation to the Commission as to the organization who will receive annual funding authorized by State statute.
  2. Work in concert with Greene County organization(s) whose mission and purpose involves the prevention of domestic violence and provides assistance to victims of domestic violence. This may include but not limited to:
    1. Maintain a close relationship with the organization’s executive officer.
    2. Assist the organization as needed with special events.
    3. Recruit businesses or individuals in adopting various projects for the organization.
    4. Provide labor and recruit volunteers to work as needed by the organization. (i.e. landscaping, painting,cleaning, etc.)
    5. Assist the organization with fundraising activities and events.
    6. Provide services and assistance in ways suggested by the organization.