Greene County Logo Environmental Division

The Environmental Division administers the County's Stormwater, sinkhole, erosion & sediment control, floodplain and on-site wastewater system regulations. This Division reviews proposed development plans and plats for compliance with environmental regulations, performs field inspections and provides information to developers, consultants and the general public regarding environmental issues.

If you would like to report a problem with any of the following issues, please click Environmental Division to send an email or call our office at (417) 868-4147.

  • Water Pollution
  • Flooding
  • Illicit Discharge
  • Sinkhole Collapse or Erosion

Community Pictures


Forms Available


Grading Permits

A Grading_Permit_Application_nu is required for any non-agricultural land disturbance. Land disturbance includes all activity that disturbs the root zone of existing vegetation (for example, clearing trees with a dozer requires a grading permit but clearing trees with a chainsaw does not). Construction of ponds is considered an agricultural activity unless the soil leaves the property (which would require a grading permit) or is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (which would require a floodplain development permit). For a complete copy of the regulations, see the Greene County Storm Water Design Standards or contact the Environmental Division office at (417) 868-4147.

The following items must be submitted prior to issuance of a grading permit:

  1. Completed Grading_Permit_Application_nu signed by the property owner or their legally authorized agent.
  2. Grading permit fee. Checks must be made payable to Greene County Treasurer.
  3. An approved sediment and erosion control plan.
  4. Security Agreement for Grading Permit 25, performance bond or other required security.
  5. Copy of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Land Disturbance Permit for sites over 1 acre.
  6. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
  7. Other State or Federal permits, if required.
  8. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement recorded with the Greene County Recorder of Deeds.
  9. SWPPP Weekly Inspection Checklist

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program

MS4 Permits are issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to cities and counties under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program of the federal Clean Water Act (CWA). The MS4 permit requires Greene County to develop a Stormwater Management Plan to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the stormwater collection system. Unlike wastewater, stormwater does not go to a treatment plant, but goes directly to streams and lakes. The Stormwater Management Plan describes the actions and activities implemented as part of Greene County’s Stormwater Program to reduce pollutants in stormwater and protect our lakes and streams.

Floodplain Development Permits

A floodplain development permit is required for any activity within the Special Flood Hazard Area (often referred to as the mapped floodplain) designated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for unincorporated Greene County. A Floodplain_Development_Permit_nu must be submitted to the Environmental Division office along with plans for the proposed activity and the appropriate fee.

On-Site Wastewater Systems

On-site wastewater systems are commonly referred to as "septic systems" but include all systems not connected to public sewer. A permit is required for installation of a new system and for repair or replacement of an existing system. Permits may be obtained from the Building Regulations office located in Room 305 of the Historic Courthouse. For a complete copy of the regulations pertaining to on-site wastewater systems, see the On-site Wastewater Regulations & Standards or contact the Environmental Division office at (417) 868-4147.

In order to obtain a permit for construction of a new on-site wastewater system or for repair or replacement of an existing system, the following information must be submitted:

  1. Appropriate building permit application from Building Regulations
  2. Site Evaluation Form Greene County Soils Report Fillable 2024 prepared by a qualified Soil Scientist List 032322.
  3. Site Plan and System Design prepared by a qualified Soil Scientist, Professional Engineer, Registered Sanitarian, or Geologist. All commercial, non-residential or mechanical systems must be designed by a Professional Engineer.

On-site wastewater system installers must be currently certified with Greene County and the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services . Contact information for Installers List Dec 19 2024 are maintained by this office.

Training Opportunities

Greene County Certification Classes

Informational Brochures

Useful Links
