Greene County Logo Office of Emergency Management


Monday-Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (except holidays). A staff member assigned as Duty Officer maintains an on-call, 24/7 status.


Larry WoodsLarry Woods Director Larry Woods
Darren WhiteDarren White Deputy Director Darren White

I joined the Office of Emergency Management after retiring from the fire service where I held the rank of Fire Chief for the last 12 years of my career.  My transition to emergency management began as the Training & Exercise Specialist for Springfield-Greene County.  I was then promoted to the position of Deputy Director in November 2021.


Prior to the fire service, I was the Fraud Investigator for Great Southern Bank where I worked closely with federal agencies to build cases involving various types of bank fraud.  Leading up to that position, I investigated copyright infringements in the music industry for the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP).


My wife and I reside in Strafford, Missouri and have 3 sons, Cody (26), Dalton (20), and Aydan (15).  A position which I could never have imagined myself in is that of “crew chief” for my sons’ racing teams.  Dalton has raced dirt track for 4 years and Aydan has 1 season under his belt.  Cody and Dalton both work for MODOT. Aydan just finished his freshman year in high school.


Aside from that, I enjoy spending time at our race shop and playing the drums (something I’ve done for 42 years).  In case all of that doesn’t keep me busy, during the NFL season, I work as a parabolic mic operator for the Kansas City Chiefs Radio Network.  After 13 years, I can honestly say, “I have not been run over by a player . . . yet!”

Robbin SawyerRobbin Sawyer Administrative Services Manager Robbin Sawyer
Sarah HansellSarah Hansell Administrative Coordinator Sarah Hansell
Kenneth NorrisKenneth Norris Logistics Specialist Kenny Norris
Josh BakehouseJosh Bakehouse Training & Exercise Specialist Josh Bakehouse
Katie KovachKatie Kovach Area Municipalities Planning Specialist Katie Kovach
Gretchen RuffaGretchen Ruffa City/County Planning Specialist Gretchen Ruffa
TBD PositionTBD Position Public Information Officer OEM Info
Ronnie BellRonnie Bell Community Engagement Specialist Ronnie Bell

Mission Statement

Implement proactive measures that make Springfield and Greene County a national model of community resilience through prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.


Contact Us

Office of Emergency Management Greene County Public Safety Center
330 W Scott Street
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 869-6040 (417) 869-6654 Office of Emergency Management

Monday-Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (except holidays). A staff member assigned as Duty Officer maintains an on-call, 24/7 status.

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