If you have filled out your assessment form (for personal property - cars, boats, etc) you should receive a
bill by mid to end of November. If you do not, contact us right away to avoid late payment fees. We don't want you to
pay any more than you have to. Real estate is automatically assessed, but you still need to contact our office if you
don't receive a bill by mid to end of November.
Verify all the items on your bill before paying. If there is an error of any kind contact the Assessor's
Office at (417) 868-4101. Any errors will need to be corrected before you pay. If
you wait to change an item after you pay you may owe more and have to pay late payment fees OR you may
owe less and have to wait a long time for a refund. Make sure any errors are corrected far enough in
advance that you can pay your correct statement before the due date which is December 31st of each year.
Pay online here, for free with your checking account information or with a
card for a fee.
If mailing in your payment, your payment must be postmarked by the US Post Office,we cannnot accept postmarks
by mail meters. Don't wait until the last minute and be sure to check the hours of the post office or drop
box you are mailing from. You will be charged interest and penalty if your payment is postmarked after
December 31st. If you plan to make your payment in person don't wait until the last minute. Be sure to check
what day of the week the 31st falls on and refer to the County's holiday schedule
, to ensure the office will be open. Office closures will not prevent you from having to pay late fees.
You can pay by check, eCheck (on line), cash, or debit/credit card in our office.
Please be sure to send your statement topper with your payment.
We recommend NOT using a bank bill pay system. These often have errors and we do not receive a statement
topper with the payment which leads to more complications in many cases.
If you follow the above clearly outlined tips, you will avoid late fees.