Probate Name Index
This is an index to the paper files for Greene County, Missouri, probate records 1833-1899.
Please click here for the full index.
Below is a list of available files from the 1833-1899 Probate records
- C. D. Terrell #9745
- David Shannon #5787 2nd
- David Shannon #5788
- David Shannon #5788 3rd
- Drury Merritt #7353
- Finis Shannon will# 1143
- Archibald Young #11123
- Isaac Looney #6654
- Littleberry Webb #10270
- Townley Redfern #5111
- Wilson & McAdams 1854 partnership probate #10302
- George B. Young #11117
- H. D. Parrish #8403
- J. H. Caynor & Co Partnership #1519
- James Fitzhugh 1836
- James Leeper #6629
- James McCarroll #6986
- James Wilson #10269
- John Roberts #5144
- Daniel D. Berry #429
- Abner McLain #7032
- Alex Patterson #8401
- P. L. Parrish #8407
- R. W. Landreth #7509-C
- Samuel Dixon #2391
- Samuel R. Truesdale #9744
- Shannon Heirs #5943
- Sidney S. Ingram #4963
- William Terrell #9746
- William Purselley #8520
- William Fulbright #3170
- Thomas James # 5018 A & B
- Elizabeth Goodwyns #3550
- John Looney #6653
- Moses Foren #3119
- W. Underwood #10110
- Wilson Heirs #10282
- Finis E. Abernathy 1866
- John P. Campbell #1460
- Samuel K. Williamson #10307
- Williams heirs #10306
- Achillis Ferguson #3141
- Alexander Chadic #1612
- Armstrong & Scholten #44
- Benjamin Cowan #1553
- Benjamin Cummins #1610
- Boter Bales #642
- Carson, Coleman, Cannefax #1487
- Chatham Duke #2427
- Cotter Heirs #1561
- Daniel B. Miller #7349
- Daniel Cotner #1551
- Daniel N. Beal #406
- A. Huff minor heirs #4147 [2]
- Alfred N. Farmer #3109
- A. L. Haun #4080
- A. P. (W. C.) Kerr #6242
- A. R. Crocker #1581
- Abraham Bledsoe #420
- Abraham Hankins #4072
- Addison Tennis #9743
- Alexander Chambers #1505
- Alexander Johnson #5048
- Abraham C. Kenney #6218
- Alfred Staley #5840
- Allen Robertson #5154-A
- Alpheus Hazleton #4086
- Alfred Shipp #5814
- Alpheus Huff #4147
- Alva Lee #6630
- Alvin C. Graves #3561
- Alex McConnell #7051
- Allen H. Mathis #7358
- Amos Fillbeck #3140
- A. D. Mease #7363
- A. W. Maupin #7360
- Anderson C. Rainey #5113
- Andrew J. Bass #340
- Anderson Killingsworth #6248
- Andrew J. Akin #18
- Andrew J. Davis #2362
- Augustes Bryant #500
- Andrew Leeper #6683
- Anna Hawkins #4082
- Benjamin Goodrich #3547
- Benjamin S. Lane #6595
- Bennett Robberson #5149
- Brantley Heirs #475
- Britain heirs #843-A
- Bryant Crow #1593
- Benjamin Brake #484
- Charles Rose #5168
- Charles Johnson #5047
- Charles Day #2349
- Charles Breedlove #476
- Cawlfield heirs #1511
- Catherine S. Kimbrough #6231
- Catherine J. McHaffy #7022
- Catharine Sullins #5888
- Caleb Squibb #5862
- Caleb Horn #4130
- Caleb Headlee #4093
- Caleb Harris #4065
- Clark Stone #5874
- Caleb Carter #1495
- Christopher M. McElhannon #6996
- Christopher Holland #4042-B
- Chesley O. Rainey #5102
- Aaron Neff #8094
- Abel J. Neaves #8086
- Bryan T. Nowlin #8110
- Daniel McCray #7055
- Daniel R. Brown #487
- Darnell Heirs #2421
- David Brallier #438
- David Coble #1535
- David Greenway #3564
- David H. Bedell #400
- David Kepley #6256
- David L. Drumright #2448
- Duke Kimbrough #6266
- David S. Delzell #2403
- Danfield heirs [Charles & James] #2334-B
- Edward Blades #416
- Edward Coker #1532
- Edward F. Robards #5146
- Edward Sloan #5792
- Eli Jessup #5028
- E. M. Cannefax #1485
- Elijah Crow #1580
- Elijah E. Christman #1527
- Elijah Hunt #4158
- Elisha & Eliz. Harrison #4064
- E. M. Neaves #8078
- Edmond Sutton #5886
- Eliza Ann Fristo #3147
- Eliza M. Sims #5800
- Elizabeth Dodson #2420
- Elizabeth Hancock #4063
- Elizabeth Logan #6639
- Eloy D. Robberson #5153
- Epps K. Oliver #8270
- Crabtree Price #8413
- Elisha Archer #43
- Elijah Perkins #8464
- Addison Purselley #8518
- Alfred Taylor #9740
- Alonzo D. Price #8539
- Benjamin Perryman #8462-A
- Burrell Tisdale #9766
- Barrett Watson #10220
- Charles Wadlow #10205
- Daniel Turner #9755
- David Wallis #10222
- Edward Thompson #9730
- Eliza M. Wallis #10213
- Abner Williams #10285
- Arch C. White #10228
- Benjamin Williams #10283
- Andrew J. Wilkerson #10381
- Benjamin Perryman #8473
- David Williams #10310
- Eliza Weaver #10239
- Elizabeth Watson #10236
- Faithy Darnell #2364
- Felix Hoover #4127
- Felix Hoover #4131
- Fellows & Foster #3143
- Forbes, Fielder, Farmer, Felton, Farmer #3103
- Francis Leeper #6762
- G. W. O'Bryant #8279
- Francis M. Burney #504
- Francis M. Conn
- Fred R. Goss #3542
- G. A. M. Renshaw #5127
- G. D. Blakey #426
- G. W. C. Langston #6618
- G. W. Huff minor #4169
- Galbraith minors #3596-A
- Garland Lanham #6594
- George Galbreath #3596-B
- George R. Burks #513
- George W. Dodson #2422
- George W. Freeman #3151
- George W. Kelley #6220
- Gibson Hardin #4069
- Gideon Coombs #1562
- Godfrey Jahn #3546
- Greenberry Haddock #4048
- Guyan Leeper #7511
- H. Hollingsworth #4167
- H. B. Roberts #5141
- H. Britton #486
- Hackney, Hail, Hendricks, Hart, Hancock, Hudson, Haymes, Hardin #6382
- Hannah Brooks #488
- Hannah Denney #2406
- Heirs of John & Jane Holmes #4042-A
- Henry B. Elliott #2883
- Henry Brower #363
- Henry C. Morrison #7409
- Henry Collier #1531
- Henry James Wallis #10209
- Henry McKinley #7044
- Ambrose Lee Yarbrough #11132
- Charles A. Young #11126
- Charles S. Yancy #11134
- Elizabeth Yancy #11130
- Hiram Worley #10327
- Horn minors #4042-F
- Hugh McHaffy #7021
- Ingabo Noe #8105
- Irason Jones #5065
- Isaac B. Jones #5069
- Isaac Batson #380
- Isaac Brady #462
- Isaac Drumright #2445
- Isaac Redfearn #5116
- Isaac Woods #10311
- J. B. Highfield #4118
- J. C. Danforth
- J. H. Curbow #1606
- J. H. Jernegan #5020
- J. P. C. Langston #6620
- J. R. Cannefax #1463
- J. T. Owens #8254
- J. T. Reed #5125
- J. W. E Rucker #5258
- J. W. Goss & Co. #3541
- J. W. Rainey #5107
- Jabez Owen #8285
- Jacob Bales #644
- Jacob Bodenhamer #579
- Jacob Freeland #3190
- Jacob Hartley #4074
- Jacob L. Seigler #11181
- Jacob Lakey #6598
- Jacob Payne #8441
- James & Mary Simpson minors #5802
- James A. Chapman #1521
- James A. Cowden #1565
- James Akard #25
- James Bass #343
- James Boulden #450
- James Burns #501
- James C. Brazeal #494
- James C. Turner #9961
- James Carter #1499
- James Creed #1586
- James D. Weaver, minor #10241
- James Delzell #2402
- James Derrick #2408
- James E. Hicks #4227
- James Folden #3120
- James Friend #3148
- James Garrison #3518
- James George #3504
- James H. Massey #7332
- James H. Stewart #5848
- James Kimberling #6271
- James Leeper minors #6680
- James M. Deeds #2376
- James M. Everhart #2910
- James M. Harrington #4067
- James M. McCroskey #7058-B
- James Malone #7380
- James Miller #7348
- James R. Dryden #2449
- James R. Vestal #10193
- James Reese #5130
- James Renfro #5132
- James S. Headlee #4097
- James T. Warren #10237
- James W. Allcock #8
- James W. Blakey #415
- James Wommack #10330
- Jane Patterson #8409
- Jane Payne #8439
- Jane Powell #8492
- Jefferson Hill #4119
- Jennings minors #5031
- Jesse Lowellen #6666
- Jesse M. Redfearn #5129
- Jesse Mason #7461
- Jesse W. Conway #1557
- Joel B. Hembree #4114
- Joel Cargile #1502
- Joel Oliver #8276
- John & Myra E. J. Williams #10304
- John & Rebecca Ford minors #3113
- John A. Morton #7368
- John A. Ray #5104
- John A. Stephens #5854
- John Adams #86
- John B. Johnson #5076
- John Bartlett #344
- John Bell #402
- John Cannefax #1464
- John Casey #1516
- John D. Barham #351
- John D. Dickey #2389
- John D. Lively #7507-A
- John Delaney #2382
- John Ellison #2892
- John Fitch #3125
- John Fitch heirs #3127
- John G. Martin #7340
- John Griffis #3554
- John Griffis #3609
- John Guy #3584
- John H. Jennings #5035
- John H. Smith #5863
- John Haggerty heirs #4053
- John Holcomb 1849
- John Hoover #4136
- John J. Beal #405
- John J. Bradley #460
- John J. Griffis #3562
- John Kershner #6244
- John Kimbrough #6265
- John L. Rainey #5108
- John Lanham #6596
- John Lee #6624
- John Leeper #6635
- John M. Donnell #2416
- John M. Dysart #2432
- John M. Jenkins #5024
- John M. Sims #5803
- John Mack #7383
- John Marshall #7320
- John McCarty #6982
- John McClure #6982
- John Pettyjohn #8463
- John Phillips #8472
- John Robberson #5148
- John Robertson #5157
- John Rush #5187
- John S. Dodds #2417
- John S. Rickets #5134
- John Sallee #5760
- John Snider #5833
- John T. Cave #1515
- John T. Poor #8496
- John Trantham #9948
- John Turner #9758
- John Wallis #10201
- John Weaver #10238
- John Young #11116
- Jonathan Carthell #1518
- Jonathan Douglas #2418
- Jonathan Reno #5128
- Joseph A. Renshaw #5124
- Joseph B. Murray #7457-A
- Joseph Burden #507
- Joseph Cannefax #1496
- Joseph Cotter #1563
- Joseph Crow #1590
- Joseph Deeds #2377
- Joseph Hall #4044
- Joseph Lee #6681
- Joseph Mullinax #7453
- Joseph P. Hale #4043
- Joseph Porter #8493
- Joseph Powell #8501
- Joseph Rogers #5181
- Joseph Weaver #10252
- Joseph Weaver 2nd #10252
- Joshua A. Wade #10217
- Joshua Davis #2370
- Joshua Owens #8261
- Josiah Cunningham #1607
- Josiah Edgar #2903
- Josiah F. Danforth #2336
- Josiah Leedy #7513
- Judith E. Weaver minor #10395
- Judith E. Weaver, minor #10223
- Kime Heirs #6362-A
- Laban Ford #3158
- Langston Heirs #5521
- Levi Casey #1486
- Levi Davidson #2359
- Lewis D. Barham #345
- Lewis Stephens #5849
- Lindsey Robertson #5223
- Looney minors #7509
- Louis F. Fream #3154
- Louisa Cawlfield #1512
- Louisa M. Berry #428
- Louisa T. Campbell #1471
- Luther A. McGowen #7030
- Malinda Barrett #347
- Marcus Boyd #411
- Marcus L. Britain #482
- Margaret Fry #3194
- Marina Bedell #728
- Martin V. McQuigg #7047
- Mary Collison #1533
- Mary Ellen McElhannon #6993
- Mary Folden #3161
- Mary H. Caplinger #1491
- Mary M. Sims #5801
- Mary Malone #7381
- Mary W. Ellison #2893
- Mathew Maxwell #7356
- Matilda J. Jenkins #5023
- Matthew Knowles #6259
- Meredith Redfearn #5114
- Meredith Rose #5154
- Merrell L. Langston #6610
- Misc. Bs #385
- Misc. Bs #6384 2nd
- Misc. probate papers #two
- Morgan Sage #5762
- Moses Foren #3162
- N. R. Smith #5826
- Nancy & Mary Summers minors #5782-A
- Nancy Akin #26
- Nancy E. Patterson #8438-A
- Napoleon B. Dunnigan #2334
- Nathan Slay #5857
- Neaves minors #8076
- Nettie Bodenhamer #444
- Nicholas Bartoline #354
- Owen minors #8252
- P. D. Dodds #2414
- Permelia Johnson #5059
- Perryman minors #8462-B
- Peter J. Nicholson #8077
- Peyton Matherly #7343
- Phillip Snider #5834
- Philo Beach #387
- Pleasant Hall #4047
- Presley B. Shockley #5813
- Probate papers before 1870 no index #
- Pursley minors #8518-A
- R. B. Allen #13
- R. B. Owen #8290
- R. C. Duvall #2443
- R. M. E. Mack #7379
- Radford Cannefax #1461
- Randolph Lanham #6593
- Randolph Lanham minors #7509-A
- Rebecca Cawlfield #1513
- Rebecca Johnson #5042
- Richard Aldridge #12
- Richard Aldridge #48
- Richard Bland #419
- Richard Rose #5160
- Richard Rose #5182
- Richard Spradling #5837
- Richard Steele #5844
- Robert B. Small #5819
- Robert Hayhurst #4083
- Robert Morrow #7367
- Robert Sayers #5763
- Robert W. Sims #5799
- Roxanna Ray #5103
- Royal Hazleton #4085
- Ruben Killingsworth #6270
- S. G. Headlee #4096
- S. S. & Eliz. Ingram heirs #4968
- Sallie M. Blakey minor #414
- Samuel Campbell #1466
- Samuel G. Black #424
- Samuel Garroutte #3515
- Samuel Gray #3556
- Samuel H. Robertson #5150
- Samuel Lee #6659
- Samuel McCorkle #7053
- Samuel N. Davis #2365
- Samuel P. Campbell #1474
- Samuel P. Gilmore #3522
- Samuel Painter #8415
- Sarah A. Sanford #5761
- Sarah Perryman #8462
- Sarah Trantham #9751
- Shrilda J. Cox #1600
- Silas Baker #442
- Silvester P. Harper #4042-E
- Stanley D. Tillman #9771
- Stephen Dorrell #2424
- Stephen Horner #4133
- Stephen Samuels #5759
- Sterling B. Allen #9
- Strawther L. Gilliland #3536
- Susan E. Logan #6674
- Susan Ford #3157
- Susanna Alsup #10
- Susanna Webb #10424
- Tavener Rucker #5189
- Thomas B. Neaves #8076-E
- Thomas B. Neaves #8079
- Thomas B. Payne #8431
- Thomas Bancum #447
- Thomas C. Wilson #10286
- Thomas Carthell #1492
- Thomas Daniels #2339
- Thomas E. Robertson #5155
- Thomas Ellison #2889
- Thomas G. Neaves #8085
- Thomas Horn #4139
- Thomas J. Burney #502
- Thomas J. Gates #3520
- Thomas J. Patterson #8438
- Thomas James #1518 A & B
- Thomas Jessup #5027
- Thomas Johnson #5052
- Thomas L. Forester #3155
- Thomas N. Majors #7416
- Thomas P. Campbell #1473
- Thomas Parsons #8405
- Thomas Prince #8543
- Thomas R. Griffis #3540
- Thomas Sanders #5755
- Thomas Tidwell #9767
- Thomas W. Jernigan #5017
- Thomas Wilson #10297
- Thomas Woodson #9733
- Tisdale minors #9766-A
- Vernon Hodges #4132
- Virginia Parrish, minor #8403-A
- W. G. Summers #5887
- W. Hopkins #4135
- W. L. Moore #7407
- Wadlow minors #10204
- Washington Armour #46
- Washington Matthews #7359
- Watson minors #10233
- Weaver minors #10242
- Wesley Earnest #2925
- Wilburn Hall #4049
- Will Book 1836 - 1861
- William & James Purselly, minors #8517
- William A. Campbell #1470
- William A. Wallis #10215
- William Amos #29
- William B. Freeman #3180
- William Bann #443
- William Baxter #379
- William Booker #452
- William C. Hastin #4073
- William C. Johnson #5066
- William Cargile #1502-A
- William Cawlfield #1462
- William Chapman #1665
- William Chapman #1665 in #7473
- William Dillard #2394
- William Forsyth #3159
- William Freeman #3192
- William G. Loyd #6673
- William Guttery #3569
- William H. Holland #4126
- William H. Irason #4982
- William H. Kerr #6246
- William Hale #4070-A
- William Harrington #4107
- William Hood #4128
- William Johns #5070
- William Killingsworth #6257
- William Kirk #6269
- William L. Harrington #4045
- William L. Harrington #4045 2nd
- William L. Tillman #9769
- William Lower #6672
- William Marshall #7365
- William Martin #7388
- William McCurdy #7017
- William McNabb #7037
- William N. Goans #3549
- William P. Hall #4055
- William Parrish #7717
- William Peacher #8450
- William R. Robertson #5159
- William S. Noblett #8109
- William Steele heirs #5842
- William T. Crenshaw #1592
- William Warren #10232
- William White #10276
- Wm. L. A. Robertson #5180
- Wm. L. Chapman #1546
- Young & Weaver partnership #11127
- Zeporiah Sanders #5758
- [Fellows & Foster] #6615
- Margaret Tennis, minor #11223
- Misc. probate #11222
- Misc. probate #11225
- Misc. probate #11228-A
- Misc. probate #11230
- Misc. probate #11233 various dates
- Redfearn minors #11228
- Robert T. Pace #11230
- Beverly-Bevil McIntyre #11220
- James M. Wiseman #11215
- McVey-McVay heirs #11220
- Richard Bland Will #64
- Robt. S. Yancy & heirs #11221
- Squire Alexander Will #2
- Wilson Wiseman #11217
- Younger minors #11221-A
- Alexander Chambers Will #283
- Hannah Brooks Will #70
- Isaiah Cates Will #287
- James Bouldin Will #67
- James Brazeale #72
- James Burns Will #75
- John Banfield #82
- John Casey Will #286
- Jonathan Carthel Will #288
- Joshua Cox Will #290
- Radford Cannefax #280
- Richard W. Bragg #72
- Tabitha Banfield Will #82
- William T. Crenshaw Will #296
- Elizabeth Thompson Will #1991
- A. C. C. McElhanon #7039
- Abner Dabbs #2340
- Alderene Shipp Will #1150
- Alexander C. Owens Will #1675
- Alexander Still #5872
- Alfred N. Farmer Will #609
- Anderson Killingsworth Will #1240
- Andrew Hamilton Will #1281
- Anna Shannon Will #1145
- Archibald Young Will #2294
- Benj. Shockley & A. H. Stowe #5864
- Bennet Robberson Will #1015
- Bently Martin #7341
- Bryan T. Nowlin Will #1636
- Burney Heirs #528
- Charles S. Yancy S. Will #2292
- Chesley Cannefax #1490
- Crabtree Price Will #1700
- Danforth Heirs #2344
- Daniel Headlee Will #1280
- Daniel Headlee Will #2316
- David Appleby #49
- David D. Nicholson #8101
- David Delzell Will #461
- David G. Bedell #410
- David Shannon Will #1144
- David Wallis Will #2108
- E. F. Robards #1013
- Edward Thompson Will #1986
- Eliza M. Sims Will #1147
- Elizabeth Goodwyn Will # 690
- Elizabeth P. Yancy Will #2296
- Enoch Jessup #5033
- Faithy Darnell Will #456
- Folder C-3 misc. names & dates
- George B. McElhanon #7040
- Gottfreed Jahn Will #689
- Guian Leeper Will #1520
- Henry Sheppard #5783
- Hugh Leeper #6626
- Hugh N. Smiley #5816
- Hugh Smiley #1154
- Ingabo Noe Will #1635
- Isaac Looney Will #1345
- J. H. Lampe #6665
- Jacob Hartley Will #797
- Jacob Shultz #5809
- James C. Turner Will #2052
- James Dobbs Will #450
- James Leeper Will #1341
- James Massey #7334
- James W. McSpadden #7036
- John B. Beiderlinden #471
- John B. Cox #1547
- John Casey part 2 #1516
- John G. Martin Will #1493
- John Gilmore Will #684
- John Griffis Will #691
- John Kimbrough Will #1243
- John Lee Will #1340
- John Murray #7457
- John N. Meace #7443
- John P. Campbell Will #2453
- John Robberson Will #1014
- John S. Phelps #8416
- John Sallee Will #1140
- John W. Robertson #5164
- John Weaver Will #2111
- Joseph B. Herndon #4106
- Joseph Deeds Will #457
- Joseph Porter Will #1712
- Joseph Powell Will #1713
- Joseph Rogers Will #1020
- Joseph Trantham Will #1992
- Josiah Danforth Will #448
- Lewis Stephens Will #1155
- Margaret Leeper #6628
- Martha Mason #7337
- Mary A. McConnell #7020
- Mary Cunningham Will #299
- Mary Kepley #6255
- Matherly minors #7386
- Matthew Knowles Will #1241
- Michael J. Johansen #5043
- Nathan P. Murphy #7456
- Otto Sill #5821
- Peter Joseph Weis Will #2113
- Pleasant Hall Will #794
- Prior L. Squibb #5881
- Randall Lanham Will #1337
- Reuben Killingsworth Will #1245
- Robert Batson #374
- Robert M. McClure Will #1518
- Rolla Carter #1681
- Rountree heirs #5169
- Royal Hazleton Will #798
- Samuel H. Robertson #5156
- Samuel H. Robertson Will #1031
- Samuel P. Gilmore Will #685
- Sempronius H. Boyd #660
- Shackelford #5906 S-7
- Shedric Coker Will #1246
- Steele & Trowbridge #5883
- Strawther L. Gilliland Will #686
- Susannah Morton #7375
- Susannah Webb Will #2135
- Sylvester Blackwell #542
- Tavener Rucker Will #1021
- Thomas Daniel Will #449
- Thomas Edmondson Will #567
- Thomas J. Bailey #449
- Thomas L. Robertson #5163
- Thomas Lawrence Will #1338
- Thomas Potter Will #1711
- Thomas Prunty Will #2320
- Thomas Rountree Will #1030
- Thomas Stokes Will #2312
- Thomas Swadley #5866
- Thomas Wilson Will #2118
- Unnumbered misc. probate files before 1870
- Washington Matthews Will #1496
- William B. Dickens Will #458
- William B. Freeman Will #618
- William Chapman probate 1840
- William D. Garoutte Will #683
- William Dysart Will #462
- William H. Shackelford Will #1171
- William Hale Will #796
- William Jenkins #5030
- William Jenkins Will #1001
- William Killingsworth #6304
- William M. Justice #5099
- William Moore #7408
- William Parrish Will #1717
- William Sewell Will #1142
- Wilson Wiseman Will #2311