List of Available Records
Records found at Archives
- Probate Court (1833-1990): files, wills purported wills, etc.
- Circuit Court (1833-1991): civil & criminal cases, books & files.
- Coroner (1830s-1970s): inquest books & files.
County Clerk (1833-present): county court minutes, school records, alms-house, early personal/real tax books,
state census, assessment books, justice of the peace books, road books, maps & petitions, stray animal books.
- Collector of Revenue (1833-present): personal/real tax books not in County Clerk storage.
- Assessor (1950s-1970s): descriptive info sheets on sub-division lots, farm land, other real property (gives info for house histories.)
- Recorder of Deeds (1833-1960s): deed books, military discharge books for mainly W.W.I. & W.I.I., and land records.
- Associate Court (1947-present): civil & criminal cases, includes Magistrate.
Note: Other offices have records which may or may not be public.