Greene County Logo Domestic Relations

About the Domestic Relations Unit

Chelsey OrtizChelsey Ortiz , MS, LPCDirector Domestic Relations (417) 829-6628
Cheryl DavisCheryl Davis , MSDomestic Relations Officer, Common Ground (417) 829-6140
Rebekah DavisRebekah Davis , MSWDomestic Relations Officer, ADR (417) 829-6116
Robert KeyesRobert Keyes , MS, LPCDomestic Relations Officer, Common Ground (417) 829-6149
Brandon LecheneBrandon Lechene , MSWDomestic Relations Officer, ADR (417) 829-6557
Wendy HawkWendy Hawk Support Specialist

The Domestic Relations Unit provides services and support to separating, divorcing, and unmarried parents who have children together. Building a healthy separated family is not an event but a process and DR endeavors to make the transition less stressful for families.

Services and programs provided to families include: Core, Alternative Dispute Resolution Class, Common Ground, Mediation, and therapeutic intervention. DR also ensures that families receive information about court and community resources that they may benefit from.

In addition, DR provides assistance to the courts by conducting investigations, conducting Case Management Hearings, and tracking all cases filed in the family court system.