This is a great internship for anybody seeking careers involved in the Justice system or with children and families.
The most satisfying area of the internship was initial meetings as well as check-ins. It was interesting to see how every family and child are so different.
This internship was the highlight of my learning career. From day one, everyone was willing to help me learn and extremely friendly and welcoming. I was given the chance to grow as a student and as a person...I am happy to say I have had the opportunity to intern here.
I truly enjoyed my time with the Juvenile Office and believe it has exposed me to important aspects of the justice system which I will apply in my future career aspirations. I appreciated how helpful and willing the staff were when I had questions or needed help with something.
One thing I highly enjoyed during my internship was how much time I got with the youth. It was a very hands on internship, which I took full advantage of.
This internship taught me patience and commitment. I have learned how to communicate on a level I never have before. The internship was more personal than I thought it would be; the staff is amazing and I enjoy working with the youth.
Being on the softball team was probably one of my favorite things because you got to see the kids in a more relaxed setting.
I really liked being able to watch court, and Drug Court was my favorite. The internship opportunity did help me reinforce the field I want to go into…
I had a wonderful experience here with the Greene County Juvenile and Family Courts. Working with the Domestic Relations Unit, I have gained a new perspective of families and different types of court cases.
I loved how open the Juvenile Justice Center was to allowing me to be a part of everything. There was always something going on, so it made it hard to choose what to do. I also liked that not every day I was doing or seeing the same thing.
One thing I really enjoyed during my internship was the time spent working with the kids, particularly in GEMs and Spartans.
One strength of my internship was the atmosphere of the office and how it seemed everyone was willing to help the interns.
Seeing kids be successful on their probation was satisfying. Seeing parents reunited with their child and the case being closed on the abuse and neglect side was satisfying.
Parts of this internship really showed me that even though this field can be stressful and exhausting at times, it is worth it in the end to help these kids have a chance at a better future.
...It really opened my eyes to see how big of an issue child abuse and neglect is...This internship has helped me decide to pursue treating childhood trauma after I receive my degree.
I believe my success [in achieving my goals for this internship] is largely due to the various amounts of professionals in this office who sacrificed their time to grant me the opportunity to establish relationships and educational opportunities...
My favorite aspects where I felt I got the most out of them, were with the Juvenile Officers and the Detention Unit. The research was informative too. I loved the atmosphere, and seeing the good relations between employees.
My strengths during this internship were probably my communication and listening skills. Appearing calm and open to these kids I believe helped me get to know them. I really cherish the times a youth listened to me give them advice and asked me questions on how not to get angry or aggressive.
Were you an intern at the Greene County Juvenile Office? Would you like to be a part of our "Testimonials?" segment? Please contact Intern Coordinators, Allen Criger, Beth Moore or Rachel Hogan, for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!