Greene County Logo Internship Opportunities

Internship Information

Earning Credit... Gaining Experience

Undergraduate/Graduate Students

If you are seeking an excellent learning experience in human services related fields such as Criminal Justice/Criminology, Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology the Greene County Family Court - Juvenile Division and/or Domestic Relations Division may have an opportunity for you.

There are a variety of intern opportunities within the Family Court: Juvenile and/or Domestic Relations Division for those interested in completing intern hours as part of the required curriculum at participating universities. These opportunities include placement in the following units: Abuse/Neglect, Law/Status Violations, Greene County Youth Academy (GCYA), Community Based Services, Detention, Domestic Relations, Diversion, and Probation.

It is the practice whenever practical or possible to honor internship or student field placement requests.

Interns attend orientation sessions and receive supervision and consultation from staff members. We believe interns play an essential role in the effective implementation of our programs. It is recognized that their skills and abilities benefit the Court, the Family, and the community. Interns make direct contributions to staff effectiveness, provide families with intensive direct services, and through their added awareness of juvenile and family issues, benefit the community at large. Our services are expanded and strengthened by using interns in a variety of ways depending upon individual interests, knowledge, skills and talents.

Intern with the Juvenile Division, Abuse and Neglect Unit (Undergraduate)

The Child Abuse & Neglect Unit works with families whose children have been removed from the parental home due to abuse and/or neglect.

Internship learning opportunities: Shadow DJO's throughout daily activities




There will be opportunity for ongoing discussions with the DJO's to assist in understanding Abuse & Neglect issues and the legal process involved.

Intern with the Juvenile Division, Law/Status Violation Unit (Undergraduate/Graduate)

The Delinquency Unit serves as the Juvenile Office's front line in dealing with youth allegedly involved in committing delinquent acts and status offenses. Deputy Juvenile Officers (DJOs) within the unit are assigned referrals concerning youth who while less than 17 years of age committed or are suspected of committing an offense. The role of the Juvenile Officer is to advise a juvenile of their rights during an investigation conducted by law enforcement. If a referral is legally sufficient, a DJO can make recommendations for disposition that may include diversion, informal, or formal services.

Learning opportunities:

Intern with the Juvenile Detention Unit (Undergraduate)

Learning Opportunities:

Intern with the Family Court Domestic Relations (Graduate)

Learning Opportunities:

Intern with the Juvenile Division, Greene County Youth Academy (Undergraduate/Graduate)

Learning opportunities:

Intern with the Juvenile Division, Diversion Unit (Undergraduate/Graduate)

Learning opportunities:

Intern with the Juvenile Division, Community Based Services (Undergraduate/Graduate)

Learning opportunities:

Obtaining an Internship

The Greene County Family Court - Juvenile Division and/or Domestic Relations Division offers many opportunities for students to earn college credit, professional experience, and exposure to career opportunities while participating as an agent of change in the lives of youth and families.

What you need to do to become a student intern:

  1. Check with your school's Internship Coordinator to determine internship eligibility and placement requirements.
  2. Request an application for Internship by calling (417) 868-4008, or Intern Application 2024.
  3. Schedule an interview to discuss areas of interest, possible internship positions and location.
  4. Complete the Child Abuse or Neglect record check, FBI criminal background check and other forms to be completed prior to the start date of the internship.

Deadlines for intern applications: