GEM’s is bringing something new! Our Investment Network (I.N.) is giving back to the at-risk females
referred to the Juvenile Office. The girls involved in GEM’s are not only at-risk but also girls that
have faced some kind of trauma in their life. GEM’s has been providing these girls positive social
interaction, weekly programming, and positive community engagement. We are asking you to help us
continue providing these services to the girls. By joining I.N. you would be helping these girls meet
needs that they might not have the resources to meet on their own. Signing up for the Investment Network
is a way to learn about opportunities to volunteer your time*, donate art supplies, athletic equipment,
clothing, school supplies and hygiene products. As a government entity, we are unable to accept money
but we welcome all other tangible donations. This is not a commitment with required expectations; we
only ask you to help when you can. By joining I.N. you will be put on an email list that makes you aware
of the needs of the GEM’s.
GEM’s Investment Network